Letter M

multicorn2_11 - Multicorn Python bindings for Postgres FDW

Website: https://github.com/pgsql-io/2.4
License: PostgreSQL
Multicorn Python3 Wrapper for Postgresql Foreign Data Wrapper. Tested
on Linux w/ Python 3.6+ & Postgres 10+.

The Multicorn Foreign Data Wrapper allows you to fetch foreign data in
Python in your PostgreSQL server.

Multicorn2 is distributed under the PostgreSQL license. See the LICENSE
file for details.The Multicorn Foreign Data Wrapper allows you to write
foreign data wrappers in Python.


multicorn2_11-2.4-1.rhel7.ppc64le [31 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2023-04-12):
- Update to 2.4
multicorn2_11-2.3-1.rhel7.ppc64le [113 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2022-06-11):
- Switch to new repo

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