Letter P

pg_sampletolog_11 - Postgres extension to sample statements or transactions to logs

Website: https://github.com/anayrat/pg_sampletolog
License: BSD
Vendor: PostgreSQL Global Development Group
pg_sampletolog is a PostgreSQL extension which allows to sample
statements and/or transactions to logs. It add in PostgreSQL (from 9.4
to 11) same kind of statement sampling added in PostgreSQL 12 (currently
not released).

pg_sampletolog allows to:

 -  Log a sample of statements
 -  Log a sample of transactions
 -  Log before or after execution (in order to be compatible with
 -  Log all DDL or MOD statements, same as log_statement
 -  Log statement's queryid if pg_stat_statements is installed


pg_sampletolog_11-2.0.0-3.rhel7.x86_64 [24 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2020-12-13):
- Fix upgrade path breakage.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7