Letter P

pgbconsole11 - top-like console for Pgbouncer - PostgreSQL connection pooler

Website: https://github.com/lesovsky/pgbconsole
License: BSD
pgbConsole is the top-like console for Pgbouncer - PostgreSQL connection
pooler. Features:

 * top-like interface
 * show information about client/servers connections, pools/databases
   info and statistics.
 * ability to perform admin commands, such as pause, resume, reload and
 * ability to show log files or edit configuration in local pgbouncers.


pgbconsole11-0.1.1-1.rhel7.1.ppc64le [26 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2018-10-15):
- Rebuild against PostgreSQL 11.0
pgbconsole11-0.1.1-1.rhel7.ppc64le [26 KiB] Changelog by - Devrim Gündüz (2016-11-06):
- Initial RPM packaging for PostgreSQL RPM Repository

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7